El Centro de Apoyo recibe la expansión de Medicaid en Carolina del Norte

La expansión de Medicaid finalmente es una realidad en Carolina del Norte, y el Centro de Apoyo Legal de Charlotte recibió el anuncio del estado, en el que comunicaron que se implementará este programa a partir del 1 de diciembre de este año. Celebramos que casi 600,000 habitantes de Carolina del Norte ahora tendrán acceso a coberturas de salud y ya no tendrán que vivir con miedo a tener enfermedades o accidentes. Al mismo tiempo, los defensores de nuestro Programa de Apoyo Familiar y Atención Médica están listos para monitorear de cerca la implementación del programa y asegurarse de que los residentes elegibles de Carolina del Norte reciban un acceso oportuno y significativo a la cobertura.

Para apoyar este nuevo capítulo de Medicaid en Carolina del Norte, el Centro de Apoyo organizará eventos de inscripción y nuestros navegadores de salud tendrán citas disponibles para toda la comunidad, tanto en persona como de forma virtual, para ayudar con el proceso de inscripción. Para mantenerse al tanto de todos los eventos que organizaremos, por favor siga nuestras redes sociales (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn) y visite regularmente nuestro sitio web. Creemos que estas iniciativas proporcionarán recursos y asistencia valiosa a quienes lo necesiten, y esperamos tener un impacto positivo en la vida de nuestros vecinos en el área metropolitana de Charlotte.

Advocacy Center welcomes Medicaid expansion in North Carolina

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Medicaid Expansion is finally a reality in North Carolina, and Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy welcomes the announcement that the state will implement this program beginning December 1st. We celebrate that nearly 600,000 North Carolinians will now have access to health coverage and will no longer have to live in fear of illness or accidents. At the same time, our Family Support and Health Care Program advocates stand ready to closely monitor the program’s implementation to ensure that eligible North Carolinians receive timely, meaningful access to coverage.

In support of this new chapter of Medicaid in North Carolina, the Advocacy Center will host enrollment events, and our navigators will have available appointments, both in person and virtually, throughout the community to assist with enrollment. To stay updated on all the events we will be hosting, please follow our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, X, LinkedIn) and regularly visit our website. We believe that these initiatives will provide valuable resources and assistance to those in need, and we look forward to making a positive impact on the lives of our neighbors in the greater Charlotte area.

We need Medicaid expansion now

1 in 10 North Carolinians has no health insurance, one of the highest rates of uninsured people in the country.  Low-income seniors, people living with disabilities, veterans, immigrants, and their families need access to affordable healthcare. Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy fights for this right every day. 

The current Medicaid coverage gap in our state means that thousands of individuals have income levels that are too high to qualify for Medicaid but are too low for premium subsidies through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace, leaving them without access to vital health insurance.  Medicaid expansion would give 600,000 North Carolinians, nearly 100,000 of which live in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties, an affordable health insurance option.

Why do we support in Medicaid expansion?

Medicaid expansion has antipoverty implications.  Millions of Americans are pushed into poverty every year because of out-of-pocket spending on health care.  Research has found that Medicaid coverage cuts the likelihood of incurring a burdensome medical expense in half. 

Medicaid expansion makes health care services more accessible for everyone.  The current coverage gap puts vulnerable populations at an even greater risk, including people living with disabilities, people with complex medical needs, and those living below the poverty line.  Expansion would provide the critical coverage these individuals need, resulting in improved quality of care and better health outcomes in the process.  In North Carolina, nearly half of the individuals in the coverage gap are people of color.  Research has found that racial disparities in health coverage and access to care would be narrowed by Medicaid expansion. 

Medicaid expansion strengthens our community.  Currently 63% of North Carolinians in the coverage gap are from working families.  Expansion would benefit workers, allowing them to live healthier lives and be more productive.   With more individuals covered by health insurance, hospitals and doctors will decrease their costs for caring for uninsured individuals, allowing them to reduce health care costs for everyone. In addition, North Carolina stands to gain $1.7 billion in new federal funding with Medicaid expansion.  But without expansion, our state will lose billions of dollars each year, all while North Carolina taxpayers continue to fund Medicaid expansion in 38 other states.

How can I get involved?

We are in a critical period of garnering support in the Senate for Medicaid expansion. If you believe Medicaid expansion is critical, we urge you to call your legislators to let your voice be heard!

Action Alert: Tell Berger and Moore No Excuses. Expand Medicaid.

Health insurance and access to health care are more important now than ever before. No one should have to make the hard choice between getting critical care and making ends meet. 

But half a million people in N.C. do not have health insurance and thousands more are losing coverage with their jobs as our economy takes a massive hit during the COVID-19 crisis.

Our state is more vulnerable to this pandemic than it should be, but it’s not too late for our legislature to do the right thing.

Expanding Medicaid now would ensure access to health care for ALL North Carolinians, while bringing billions to our economy, creating thousands of jobs and supporting struggling rural hospitals that need to stay open, at a time when all of this support is critical to our state’s viability.

NOW is the time. Call or write to Senator Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore TODAY!

Our legislature cannot ignore this need any longer, and its leaders need a clear reminder from us.

Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy is proud to join the North Carolina Justice Center, N.C. Moms Rising and advocates across the state in calling for our legislative leaders to expand Medicaid.

Call 1-855-408-2357 to contact Senator Berger and Speaker Moore’s offices

Sample Phone Message:
Dear Senator Berger/Speaker Moore: Our state is more vulnerable to COVID-19 than it should be, but you can do the right thing. You can expand Medicaid to make sure everyone can get the health care they need during this crisis. As our neighbors continue to go uninsured and without care during this pandemic, we all are at risk for infection, complications and even death. Don’t continue to put our state at risk. Please expand Medicaid. We are depending on you. 

Email Senator Berger: Phil.Berger@ncleg.net
Email Seaker Moore:

Sample Email Message:
Dear Senator Berger/Speaker Moore,

We need our leadership to come together and figure out a solution that protects North Carolinians from COVID-19 and financial ruin. To do that, you must act now to expand Medicaid for more than 500,000 people.
The COVID-19 crisis is weakening our economy, workers and employers in ways that no other recession has before. We have seen unprecedented numbers of people lose their jobs and health insurance benefits in the middle of a public health crisis — when people need access to coverage the most.

The health of the person next to us affects our health and the person next to them too. We all need one another to be healthy and thriving to contribute to our economy and our community.

Those who continue to work in “essential” businesses to ensure we can meet our needs are the faces of North Carolina’s uninsured. They work in our grocery stores, delivery services and gas stations. They risk their health and their family’s health by going to work each day so that the rest of us can survive.

In risking so much, our state owes it to these workers to ensure access to critical care when they need it most through health coverage.

We need our leaders to rise above partisan norms in times of crisis to demonstrate they are willing to work for the health and welfare of our state. I urge you to expand health insurance coverage during this crisis.


Update from last week:

THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to submit comments to for a stronger N.C. Last week, we called on you to advocate from home  by submitting comments to the House Select Committee on COVID-19 response. There are various policies the state can consider to stabilize families and our economy, but here were three points we emphasized in our comments:

  1. Expand Medicaid
  2. Reform Our State’s Unemployment Insurance Program
  3. Restore funding for civil legal aid.

Read the full Action Alert here.
In case you haven’t gotten around to submitting something, there’s still time! Here’s some more inspiration on how our state can reform its unemployment insurance program from our friends at the North Carolina Justice Center via NC Policy Watch: Veteran attorney explains specific upgrades NC should make to its unemployment insurance system.

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Action Alert: Advocate at home for a stronger N.C.

A lot of us may be stuck at home, but we can still advocate for a stronger N.C.

Our state is more vulnerable to COVID-19 than it should be, but our legislature can do the right thing by quickly enacting policies that preserve safety, financial security and family stability for ALL North Carolinians.

House speaker Tim Moore has convened a bipartisan House Select Committee to discuss policy options in response to COVID-19. The committee is soliciting public comments through an online portal to inform their priorities.

Our representatives need to hear from you!

Take a few minutes to submit comments on how the state should respond to COVID-19 in ways that ensure N.C. is better equipped to weather crisis down the road.

There are various ways the legislature could stabilize families and save our economy during these uncertain times, but here are three options we’re emphasizing:

  1. We must expand Medicaid.

    Health insurance and access to health care are more important now than ever before.

    No one should have to make the hard choice between getting critical care and making ends meet. But half a million people in N.C. do not have health insurance and thousands more are losing coverage with their jobs as our economy takes a massive hit. 

    Workers in many “essential businesses” are most likely to be uninsured and in our state’s coverage gap.

    Expansion is available, but our legislature has refused to do it.

    All of North Carolina is at risk when our neighbors are uninsured and unable to get the care they need.

    Medicaid expansion requires no increase in state taxes and can be done quickly to increase access to care and treatment. Federal taxes that we currently pay to fund expansion in most other states would cover 90% of expansion here. The remaining 10% could be paid by insurers and hospitals. 

    Expansion would bring billions to our economy, thousands of jobs and support struggling rural hospitals that need to stay open, at a time when this support is crucial.
  2. We must improve our Unemployment Insurance program.

    Our state has the cruelest unemployment insurance program in the country. 

    In 2013, the legislature cut benefits by almost half while making them more difficult to get. 

    The unemployment insurance trust fund has almost $4 billion today, but the program still operates based on those cuts. Before this crisis began, fewer than one in 10 unemployed workers qualified to receive benefits.

    Gov. Roy Cooper’s recent executive order as well as congressional action expanding benefits to workers impacted by COVID-19 are a start, but our state’s program does not go far enough to support people who are out of work.

    Thousands now depend on unemployment benefits for significant financial support. We need to make these benefits accessible to help families and our economy weather this crisis.
  3. We must restore state funding for civil legal aid to help people meet basic needs. 

    Life altering decisions are made every day in our legal and administrative systems that directly impact a person’s chance at stability. These systems are not easy to navigate without legal help, but no one has the constitutional right to an attorney in civil legal cases.

    Only those who can afford legal help get what they need.

    Before the recession, state funding for civil legal services was $7 million per year. Now that funding totals about $1 million.

    People who never expected to need our help are now trying to figure out how to manage debt, access health care, avoid homelessness, stop domestic abuse, and file for small business loans to help the economy recover.

    This work stabilizes families in crisis. It reduces the need for emergency services and improves families’ income, health and well-being.

    Legal aid attorneys help families prevent bad situations from spiraling out of control. Restoring this funding would enable N.C.’s legal services organizations to answer more calls for help during this crisis and beyond, ensuring equal opportunity for low-income people.

    We cannot wait another day to provide civil legal assistance to help families preserve their stability and succeed.

Now is the time

Now is the time for our representatives to step up and serve the people of this state, who are the victims of this viral pandemic.

These investments in our community would ensure all residents can reach their fullest potential regardless of socioeconomic background or whatever crisis life throws their way.

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Need more inspiration? 

Check out our 2020 Advocacy Agenda for more ways we can support
safety, security and stability for ALL North Carolinians.

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